<- function(sizes = FALSE) {
lib_summary if (!is.logical(sizes)) {
stop("'sizes' must be logical (TRUE/FALSE).")
<- utils::installed.packages()
pkgs <- table(pkgs[, "LibPath"])
pkg_tbl <- as.data.frame(pkg_tbl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pkg_df names(pkg_df) <- c("Library", "n_packages")
if (sizes) {
$lib_size <- vapply(
pkg_dffunction(x) {
sum(file_size(dir_ls(x, recurse = TRUE)))
},FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
pkg_df }
Managing dependencies and Continuous Integration ๐
This is how we might use another package in a script:
But this is how we do it in a package:
Use fs
in our function:
<- function(sizes = FALSE) {
lib_summary <- utils::installed.packages()
pkgs <- table(pkgs[, "LibPath"])
pkg_tbl <- as.data.frame(pkg_tbl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pkg_df names(pkg_df) <- c("Library", "n_packages")
if (sizes) {
$lib_size <- vapply(
pkg_dffunction(x) {
sum(fs::file_size(fs::dir_ls(x, recurse = TRUE)))
},FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
pkg_df }
test() # failure for unused argument
Update tests
test_that("lib_summary fails appropriately", {
expect_error(lib_summary(sizes = "foo"), "not interpretable as logical")
test_that("sizes argument works", {
<- lib_summary(sizes = TRUE)
res expect_equal(names(res), c("Library", "n_packages", "lib_size"))
expect_type(res$lib_size, "double")
check() # will warn about undocumented parameter
Update documentation
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R will insert the spot for the sizes param
#' Provides a brief summary of the package libraries on your machine
#' @param sizes Should the sizes of the libraries be calculated?
#' Logical; default `FALSE`.
#' @return A data.frame containing the count of packages in each of the user's
#' libraries. A `lib_size` column is included if `sizes = TRUE`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lib_summary()
#' lib_summary(sizes = TRUE)
Alternative: use importFrom
use_import_from("purrr", "map_dbl")
Use map_dbl()
directly without namespace qualifier:
<- function(sizes = FALSE) {
lib_summary <- utils::installed.packages()
pkgs <- table(pkgs[, "LibPath"])
pkg_tbl <- as.data.frame(pkg_tbl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pkg_df names(pkg_df) <- c("Library", "n_packages")
if (sizes) {
$lib_size <- map_dbl(
pkg_df~ sum(fs::file_size(fs::dir_ls(.x, recurse = TRUE)))
pkg_df }
Automated checking with GitHub Actions
Which action do you want to add? (0 to exit)
(See <https://github.com/r-lib/actions/tree/v2/examples> for other options)
1: check-standard: Run `R CMD check` on Linux, macOS, and Windows
2: test-coverage: Compute test coverage and report to https://about.codecov.io
3: pr-commands: Add /document and /style commands for pull requests
Selection: 1
โ Setting active project to '/Users/andy/dev/libminer'
โ Creating '.github/'
โ Adding '^\\.github$' to '.Rbuildignore'
โ Adding '*.html' to '.github/.gitignore'
โ Creating '.github/workflows/'
โ Saving 'r-lib/actions/examples/check-standard.yaml@v2' to '.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml'
โข Learn more at <https://github.com/r-lib/actions/blob/v2/examples/README.md>.
โ Adding R-CMD-check badge to 'README.Rmd'
โข Re-knit 'README.Rmd' with `devtools::build_readme()`
โน Installing libminer in temporary library
โน Building /Users/andy/dev/libminer/README.Rmd